Piano Quintets



First name: Eskil
Last name: Hemberg
Dates: 1938-2004
Category: Quintet
Nationality: Swedish
Opus name: Piano Kvintett (1978)
Publisher: Svensk Musik
Peculiarities: Unpublished; copies availble at Svensk Musik
Information: Eskil Hemberg. Composer and conductor, born in Stockholm, Sweden 19th of January 1938, died 26th of June 2004. He was working as a freelance composer and choral director, as well as president of the International Federation for Choral Music until his death. education Music teachers degree 1961, higher cantor's degree 1961, higher organist's degree 1964 as well as orchestra conducting with Herbert Blomstedt at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. career Executive producer Swedish Radio 1963-70, planning manager and director of foreign relations at the National Institute of Concerts 1970-83, general manager and artistic director of the Gothenburg Opera 1984-87, general manager and artistic director of the Royal Swedish Opera 1987-96, conductor of the Stockholm University Chorus 1959-84, president of the Society of Swedish Composers 1971-83, president of the International Music Council of UNESCO 1992-94, member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music since 1974, Gestprofessor at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas, USA Spring 2000. contact e-mail: Birgit Hemberg mail: c/o Birgit Hemberg Gamla Värmdövägen 2 SE-131 37 NACKA SWEDEN http://www.eskilhemberg.se/