Piano Quintets



First name: The Vienna Dance Series for Chamber Ensembles
Last name: Anthology
Category: Quintet
Opus name: Edition Silvertrust
Publisher: Silvertrust
Peculiarities: http://www.editionsilvertrust.com/vienna-dance-series.htm
Information: No doubt, you have heard The Blue Danube, Roses from the South, The Emperor Waltzes, The Tritsch Tratsch Polka and other favorites by the Vienna waltz masters. But most likely, you have heard these works performed by a huge symphony orchestra. Interestingly, the large philharmonic orchestra was not a group for which this intimate and charming music was originally intended. No, it was meant for small groups--a string quartet or quintet, a piano trio or quintet, or a chamber orchestra of perhaps 30 members--but not the powerhouse orchestras of today designed to perform Wagner and Mahler. The Strausses, Josef Lanner and the others all conceived their works for small intimate settings---restaurants, cafes or the outdoor garden bandstand concert of the spa. And that was how, and to some extent, is how the music can still be heard in its native habitat, Vienna. It is in this spirit that we present our Vienna Dance Series for Chamber Ensembles. A list of available works appears below. You may click on the available works and be taken directly to a page with details and a soundbite.