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1994 – 1998 Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (composition – Ivan Parík)
since 1998 works as a pedagogue at the Conservatory in Košice (music-theoretical subjects), at the Greek Catholic Theological Faculty of the Presov University and the Faculty Arts of the Technical University
since 1999 continued in the external postgradual study of composition a the Academy of Performing Arts (Vladimír Bokes)
2002 absolved summer composition courses in Reichenau, Austria (K. Schwertsik)
2003 Ostrava Days New Music
His compositions sounded within presentations of young composers in Prague, Bratislava, Tren?ianskeTeplice, Ostrava, Melos Ethos, Košice Music Spring Festival, New Slovak Nusic and concerts in the Slovak Radio.