Piano Quartets



First name: Marga
Last name: Richter
Dates: 1926
Category: Quartet
Nationality: American
Opus name: Seacliff variations (1984)
Publisher: amc
Peculiarities: To buy: http://www.newyorkwomencomposers.org/catpop.php4?ctgy=SCE&comp=ANY&diff=ANY&publ=ANY&ordr=title&inst=_Cello_Piano_Viola_Violin_; See: http://www.composers21.com/compdocs/richterm.htm
Information: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Marga Richter (born 21 October 1926) is an American composer. Marga Richter was born in Reedsburg, Wisconsin, the daughter of soprano Inez Chandler-Richter (1885–1956). She studied piano at the MacPhail School of Music in Minneapolis with Irene Hellner and with Helena Morsztyn in New York. She entered the Juilliard School of Music in 1945 and studied composition with William Bergsma and Vincent Persichetti and piano with Rosalyn Tureck, graduating with a BS and then MS degree in 1951. After completing her studies, she taught music appreciation at Nassau Community College from 1971–72, and later began working as a composer full-time. Richter co-founded the Long Island Composers Alliance in 1972 with Herbert Deutsch and served as its co-director, president and vice-president. Pianist Michael Skelly is her son.