Piano Quartets



First name: Johannes
Last name: Driesler
Dates: 1921-1998
Category: Quartet
Nationality: German
Opus name: Klavier Quartett in einem Satz Opus 61
Peculiarities: http://www.klassika.info/Komponisten/Driessler/index.html
Information: Aside from his educational work as a teacher of composition at a music academy (Nordwestdeutsche Musikakademie, Detmold) Johannes Driessler (born 1921 in Friedrichsthal, died 1998 in Dortmund) produced a wide variety of musical composition between 1946 and 1971.His oeuvre includes both religious and secular choral works (a capella compositions, cantatas, oratorios, operas and a mass), the composition of songs, chamber music, piano and organ music, orchestral work and symphonies. Driessler´s music has its roots in religious music, but he develops a musical language of his own: his intellectual style of composing draws on such elements as evolving the composition from one basic idea, the use of ties and slurs, of ostinato, of the contrapuntal in the canon, in the fugue, in the passacaglia, and the use of a free harmony.Central to Driessler is the field of vocal music. Here are outstanding productions such as his first oratorio Dein Reich komme. His cyclical religious compositions for the ecclesiastical year are major contributions to the genres of organ music and Evangelienspruch in the 20th century. His early chamber music and his operas deserve to be rediscovered. Finally the music in his teaching manuals for studentsIs of great educational value and will endure. (http://ubm.opus.hbz-nrw.de/volltexte/2002/291/)