Piano Quartets



First name: Daniele
Last name: Venturi
Dates: 1971
Category: Quartet
Nationality: italian
Opus name: Zerz ed cristal per violine, viola, violoncello e pianoforte (2007/8)
Publisher: Sconfinart
Peculiarities: See: http://www.danielventuri.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=55&Itemid=59&lang=en
Information: Daniele Venturi was born in Porretta Terme (Bologna-Italy) in 1971. 
As a composer and Choir Director he is among the most highly regarded of the younger generation. He has degrees in Choral Music, Conducting and Composition. 
After his studies at Bologna Conservatoire attended masterclasses of Giacomo Manzoni, Fabio Vacchi and Ivan Fedele. 
He has also studied composition with Franco Donatoni, Adriano Guarnieri, 
Gérard Grisey, Jean-Jacques Nattiez, Luis de Pablo, Fausto Razzi and orchestral conducting with Piero Bellugi. 
He has conducted choirs such as L’Homme Armé, Voices of Europe and he is now the director of the Gaudium choir and Arsarmonica ensemble. 
 Since 1987 he has done ethnomusicological research in the Bologna and Modena areas, finding interesting ideas for his original compositions. 
He has received various commissions from important festivals and his compositions have been performed in many contemporary music festivals by famous artists and broadcasted. In March 2009 he was chosen by I.A.M.I.C. (International Association of Music Information Centers) to represent Italian composers in Toronto (Canada). His compositions are pubblished by Editions Sconfinarte and Taukay. (from Linkedin)