Piano Quartets



First name: Michael H.
Last name: Cross
Dates: 1833-1897
Category: Quartet
Nationality: American
Opus name: Opus 27 (c.1894)
Information: Michel H. Cross was the son of Benjamin Cross (1786-1857). Benjamin Cross' musical legacy in Philadelphia was continued by his son Michael H. Cross (1833-1897). The younger Cross was a dominant force in the field of choral conducting in Philadelphia. He conducted the most prestigious choral groups in the city, including the Orpheus Club, the Abt male chorus, the Arion men's singing society of Germantown, the Euridice women's chorus, and the Cecelian mixed chorus. He also served as organist at the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul (1862-1880) and at Holy Trinity (1880-1897).