Piano Quartets



First name: Roger
Last name: Smalley
Dates: 1943
Category: Quartet
Nationality: english
Opus name: Crepuscule (1998/9)
Peculiarities: See: http://www.australianmusiccentre.com.au/workversion/smalley-roger-crepuscule/14175; and: http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=kw%3Apiano+quartet&fq=x0%3Amsscr&dblist=638&start=81&qt=page_number_link
Information: Composer and pianist Roger Smalley AM was born near Manchester, England, in 1943 and emigrated to Australia in the mid 1970s. His compositions, commissioned by prestigious organisations and groups - from the BBC and London Sinfonietta to the ABC and Australian Chamber Orchestra - have been performed and broadcast world-wide. His compositions and performances have been released on numerous CDs, and he has won awards both as composer and pianist: his own performance of his Piano Concerto was the recommended work in the UNESCO Composers' Rostrum in 1987. Roger Smalley's career as an academic has been closely tied to his activities as a composer and performer: his move from the UK to Australia was the result of a short composer residency at the University of Western Australia. After a significant academic career at the University of Western Australia, Roger Smalley now lives and works in Sydney.