Piano Quartets



First name: Azio
Last name: Corghi
Dates: 1937
Category: Quartet
Nationality: italian
Opus name: aimez-vous S...? (2007/8)
Publisher: Ricordi; BnF; Netherlands Radio Music Library
Peculiarities: to order: http://www.ricordi.com/catalogue/?sort=title+asc&fq=c_organic%3A%22QUARTETTO%22&fq=c_genre%3A%22CONTEMPORANEA+%5C%7C+STRUMENTALE+DA+CAMERA%22&fq=origin%3A%22django%22&fq=language%3A%22it%22&fq=content_type%3Aopera-opera+OR+content_type%3Aopera-p
Information: The composer Azio Corghi was born in Cirie near Turin in 1937, the son of the artist and cartoonist Alvaro Corghi. He first studied the piano in his native town and then composition at the Milan Conservatory. His first composition, the cantata Gli uomini vuoti, was performed in 1966 and a year later his symphonic work lntavolature won first prize in the Italian Radio and Ricordi Competition. Since then Corghi has written music of various kinds, for the theatre, the ballet, orchestral and chamber music, establishing himself as one of the leading Italian composers today. His opera Blimunda, based on the novel Memorial da Convento by the Portuguese writer Jos Saramago, who wrote the libretto, was staged at La Scala Milan in 1990 and aroused international interest.