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Baboni Schilingi, Jacopo (b. April 4, 1971, Milan). Italian composer, now resident in both France and Italy, of mostly chamber, vocal, piano, and electroacoustic pieces that have been performed in the Americas and Europe; he is also active as a music researcher.
Mr. Baboni Schilingi initially studied classics at the Istituto Gonzaga in Milan from 1985-90 and then studied composition with Ivan Fedele and orchestral conducting with Vittorio Parisi at the Civica Scuola di Musica di Milano and earned his diplomas at the Conservatorio G.B. Martini in Bologna in 1994. He has studied at the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and the Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne since 1997, where is he working on his PhD under the direction of Danielle Cohen-Lavinas. He also attended the annual Cursus de Composition et Informatique Musicale at IRCAM in 1994-95 and studied with Brian Ferneyhough and Klaus Huber at Royaumont in 1996.
Mr. Baboni Schilingi is also active in other positions. He co-founded with Anne-Galle Balpe and Emanuele Quinz the interdisciplinary cultural association anomos in 1998. He was appointed by Luciano Berio to found the Dipartimento Educazione at the Centro Tempo Reale in Florence in 1999 and has since served as its director. He founded the twenty-member group PRISMA (Pedagogia e Ricerca sui Sistemi Musicali Assistiti) in 2001, which works on computer-aided composition and musical research at the Centro Tempo Reale. He also contributed articles to the yearbook PRISMA-01 (2003, Euresis Edizioni and Centro Tempo Reale) and has written more than 20 articles for French and Italian publications.
As a music researcher, he developed the theory of composition by interactive models at IRCAM in 1994-95 and co-created with Mikhail Malt and Frédéric Voisin two programs, Morphologie and Profile, still used by IRCAM. He regularly did research at IRCAM from 1996-2001, where he also created the CD-ROM Atelier Jeunes (1999), a new method of musical pedagogy for children between ages six and ten. At the Centro Tempo Reale, he created the interactive software library CMI (Composizione per Modelli Interattivi).
He has taught composition at the École Nationale de Musique in Montbaliard since 1999 and regularly gives courses in musicology at the Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne. He has also lectured in Argentina, Belgium, Chile, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, and Portugal.
Edizioni Suvini Zerboni publishes his works.
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